Hello! I’m Aitor Aritzeta. Doctor in Psychology (2003) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and professor of the subject of Emotion and Socio-emotional Competencies at the Psychology Faculty (UPV/EHU). Currently, I’m also a consolidated partner of the “Qualiker” research group.

There are different topics I’ve developed through my career as a researcher, teacher, and advisor available on this website, such as my projects on Work Teams and Institutional Innovation, Emotions, Emotional Intelligence and Creativity, Gender Perspective in Psychology, and the Human Factor in Road Safety. You can view the different investigations that have been conducted on these topics, the signed contracts, the different publications, and the congresses in which I’ve been part as well. Finally, along with the research, developmental and innovations services, you can find compiled some of the informative actions that I have carried out.

I hope that this can be of interest to you!


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